We will take your call (or internet order) and, in most cases, pick up your package and deliver it personally. Our knowledgeable couriers and experienced fleet of riders/drivers enables us to cover your job as quickly and efficiently as is possible. In an extremely competitive business, Realcourier remains successful because every Realcourier's credo is, “my living depends on your satisfaction!”
* 1hour delivery (in zone)
* Congressional Seat Holdings
* Owner/Operator
* 50 plus years experience in Washington D.C.
* Experienced filers (FERC, Commerce, SEC, etc.)
* Place orders online.Try it now.
* Excellent service at competitive prices
Our automated ordering form allows you to simply type in your jobs relevant information without leaving your desk. It is then relayed to our pagers. One of us will call to confirm your order within 5 minutes of receiving your page (allow 90 seconds for delivery to the pagers. In other words around 6 ½ minutes).
If you like what you see contact us now.