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    Co-Owner Realcourier, Inc.- Matt Dwyer

    My name is Matthew Dwyer. I hail from Levittown, New York, the prototype of the cookie cutter neighborhoods, which were erected to meet the need for housing for returning WWII vets and their families. My father served with the elite 82nd Airborne and fought in the Battle of the Bulge, D-Day, Northern Africa, Sicily and Salerno. After the war he earned an M.S.W. and went on to a career in social work. My father worked seven days a week for years to provide for his family. My mother earned her Masters Degree from the State University of New York at New Paltz through a correspondence course in her early forties while raising the four of us. She then taught in Levittown schools for twenty-five years. She taught me the English Language. I held her hand and prayed with her as she died.

    By example our parents taught my 3 siblings and I about the benefits of hard work and discipline. Today we are a kindergarten teacher (Fairfax County), a psychiatrist (Georgetown Medical School graduate), a veteran of the Nassau County Police Department, and one of your couriers. I became the last of us to earn a degree (B.A. in history) from S.U.N.Y.- Geneseo in December 1995.

    I began my courier career in January of 1990 in Manhattan, where I rode until I was involved in a serious motorcycle wreck on May 7, 1991. My right tibia and fibula were broken into 6 pieces. Six months later they broke again. Bicycling became the staple of my rehabilitation when I was finally able to begin the process in September, 1992. I would time myself daily on my 6 1/2 mile sprints to and from my classes at Nassau Community College where I did my first 2 years of school. It was during this time that I remembered how much fun it could be to ride in traffic. And I realized then, despite being only one-quarter of the way through my academic program, that I would someday get behind the handlebars and return to the streets. What I didn't envision was doing as much driving as I now do. But as Realcourier has evolved into a "full service" courier company, I now spend as much time behind the wheel as I do behind the handlebars. This has provided me with an intimate and extensive knowledge of the Metropolitan area both inside and outside the Beltway.

      There are few greater feelings than leaving 1072 Thomas Jefferson Street in Georgetown (Jay Coastan�s former address) at 4:51 with a FERC-filing and making it the 4-� miles by 5:00, when the FERC�s file room doors are shut tight. I would have preferred to be playing center field for the New York Yankees or Mets but this truly is a close second. I am just as concerned, with every job. Putting the pieces together all day long - receiving calls from clients, dispatching work I can't cover over the network, and covering work for my network associates is something I get real satisfaction from.

    Co-Owner Realcourier,Inc.- Patrick Riggin

    Born and raised in New Orleans, La., I came to the D.C. metropolitan area in 1979 to attend the University of Maryland @ College Park. In college I studied Engineering, and Geography.

     I financed my entire education with scholarships, lawn service, house painting, and general labor.I  graduated in May 1986.- B.S.Geography/Cartography, (Minor in Mathematics).

    After graduation I worked as a cartographer for AAA, The University Of Maryland, and the World Bank.While cartography is interesting work, I craved adventure and a desire to see the world, thus, I took a couple of years off and travelled (by bicycle) thru Australia, New Zealand, and various other countries logging in thousands of miles and many great experiences.

    Upon returning from my overseas bicycle jaunt I decided to try the "bike messenger" experience. I enjoyed the work and camraderie of the messenger community so I decided to stick with it for a while.With the advent of the cell phone I didn't see any reason not to pursue my own client base while working
    for other companies. It was while working for one of these companies that I met Matt who was building a client base as well. Eventually we combined forces and Realcourier, Inc. was born in February 2000.

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